Clinic Information


This clinic operates by appointment.
Phone reservations are handled in Japanese. Please ask an interpreter or hotel staff for assistance when calling.


We provide prescriptions for external pharmacies only.

Available Medical Service

Cold and flu symptoms
Treatment for injuries (e.g., bruises, sprains, cuts)
General Internal Medicine
Minor Surgery
X-ray examinations

Important Notes

Please bring your passport.
Payment is required at the time of the visit. Please bring a credit card or cash (Japanese yen).

Estimated Medical Expenses (For overseas tourists)

Items included in Medical Expenses

First/subsequent visit fees4500¥(yen)
Antigen test3500〜11000¥(yen)

(for influenza : 4800¥)
(for COVID-19 : 5500¥)
(combined test for influenza and COVID-19 : 6600¥)
X-ray examinations5500¥(yen)
Medical treatment2200〜6600¥(yen)

(simple wound treatment : 2200¥)
(bandage fixation technique for lower limb sprain : 6600¥)
Surgery (requiring local anesthesia)11000〜44000¥(yen)

(Suturing procedure for shallow wound (less than 5 cm wide) : 11000¥)
(Suturing procedure for deep wound (less than 5 cm wide) : 22000¥)
English medical certificate5500¥(yen)
Documentation (ex. Referral Letter)5500¥(yen)

Please note that total medical expense calculated above is an estimate.
The actual charges may differ from the estimate, because examinations and treatments are performed depending on your condition.
In addition, the charges may vary for any of the folloewing reasons:

・If you have a Japanese health insurance certificate, your charges will be calculated in accordance with the health insurance system.
・If you do not have a health insurance certificate, you are responsible for all of your medical expenses.